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Image of multiple skin tags.

Skin tags are small, benign growths that can appear anywhere on the skin. They’re usually harmless but can be bothersome, especially if they’re in a noticeable or sensitive area. Many people prefer natural remedies over medical treatments due to their simplicity and minimal side effects. This guide will explore effective home remedies to remove skin tags naturally.

What Causes Skin Tags?

Skin tags, or acrochordons, are composed of collagen fibers and blood vessels surrounded by a layer of skin. They typically form where skin rubs against skin or clothing. While the exact cause is not always clear, factors such as genetics, obesity, and hormonal changes can contribute. The exact cause of skin tags is unknown, and there are likely to be both lifestyle and genetic causes. Some people develop them for no known reason.

You are more likely to get skin tags in areas where the skin tends to rub against itself. Some health conditions are through to contribute to the risk of developing skin tags, such as:

Anyone of any gender can develop skin tags, and they are more common in older people. If you’re pregnant and develop skin tags, they usually disappear after your baby is born.

What are the symptoms of skin tags?

Most skin tags are painless and don’t cause any symptoms. But if they rub on clothing or jewellery, they may get sore and bleed. Skin tags look different from warts and other benign skin lesions because of the small stalk that attaches them to the skin. Warts tend to be flat, while skin tags hang off the skin.

Natural Remedies for Skin Tags Remover

Image of multiple skin tags.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a popular remedy due to its acidic nature, which can help break down skin tags.

  • How It Works: The acetic acid in ACV can effectively dry out the skin tag, causing it to fall off.
  • Application Method: Soak a cotton ball in ACV and apply it to the skin tag. Secure it with a bandage and leave it on for about 30 minutes. Repeat daily until the skin tag darkens and falls off.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties, which can help in the removal of skin tags.

  • Benefits and Properties: Tea tree oil helps dry out the skin tag and reduces irritation.
  • How to Use It Safely: Dilute tea tree oil with a carrier oil (like coconut or olive oil) before applying. Use a cotton swab to apply the mixture to the skin tag twice daily.

Banana Peel

Banana peel contains enzymes that can help break down the skin tag.

  • Why It’s Effective: The natural acids and enzymes in the peel assist in dissolving the skin tag.
  • Application Tips: Place a small piece of banana peel, with the inside facing the skin tag, and secure it with a bandage. Leave it on overnight and repeat daily.


Garlic has antimicrobial properties that can help remove skin tags.

  • Natural Antimicrobial Properties: Garlic contains allicin, which can help in reducing the size and appearance of skin tags.
  • How to Use Garlic for Skin Tags: Crush a clove of garlic and apply the paste directly to the skin tag. Cover it with a bandage and leave it on for a few hours. Repeat daily until the skin tag falls off.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is well-known for its soothing and healing properties.

  • Healing and Soothing Effects: Aloe vera can help reduce inflammation and promote healing.
  • Application Guidelines: Apply fresh aloe vera gel directly to the skin tag. Cover with a bandage and leave it on overnight. Repeat daily.

Vitamin E

Vitamin E promotes skin health and can help in the healing process.

  • Role in Skin Health: Vitamin E can help in regenerating skin cells and reducing scarring.
  • How to Apply Vitamin E: Puncture a vitamin E capsule and apply the oil directly to the skin tag. Cover with a bandage and leave it on overnight.

Oregano Oil

Oregano oil has antiviral and antifungal properties that can aid in skin tag removal.

  • Benefits for Skin Tags: The oil’s strong antimicrobial effects can help in dissolving the skin tag.
  • How to Use It Properly: Dilute oregano oil with a carrier oil and apply it to the skin tag using a cotton swab. Cover with a bandage and repeat daily.

Freezing Techniques

Freezing can be done at home or by a professional.

  • At-Home Freezing Kits: These kits contain a cryogenic agent that freezes the skin tag, causing it to fall off.
  • Professional Options: Dermatologists offer freezing treatments using liquid nitrogen for more precise and effective removal.

Cutting Techniques

Cutting involves snipping off the skin tag.

  • When to Consult a Professional: If the skin tag is large or in a sensitive area, it’s best to seek professional advice.
  • Risks and Precautions: Improper cutting can lead to bleeding, infection, or scarring.

Preventing Skin Tags

Maintaining a healthy weight and managing diabetes can reduce the risk of skin tags.

When to consult a doctor

Health experts advise people to contact a dermatologist before removing any skin tag.

It is safest for an experienced professional to remove a tag in a medical setting — especially if it is large, painful, or located in a sensitive area.

Seek prompt medical attention if a skin tag or mole changes. In some cases, this can indicate skin cancer.


Removing skin tags naturally can be an effective and cost-efficient solution. With remedies like apple cider vinegar, tea tree oil, and garlic, you can tackle skin tags from the comfort of your home. However, if natural methods don’t work or if the skin tag is large or problematic, consulting a healthcare professional is advisable.